Dancing with Monsters: Chronic Illness as Creative Transformation

February 2016:

Reaching for joy when I live with chronic illness may take more effort, but it’s worth it. Here’s how I invite joy (part of the Chronic Healing series).

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Diagnosis doesn't have to end in despair

(though you may pass through it).

When you are diagnosed with a chronic illness, you may feel:

    • your body is your enemy
    • you are alone in the world
    • you aren't yourself anymore
    • God (or the universe) has abandoned you
    • tempted to give up

Dancing with Monsters suggests:

    • your body is a companion in the journey with disease
    • you are not alone
    • by being patient with yourself when it all seems a struggle, you can rediscover and rededicate yourself to what's important to you...
    • ...including an enriched relationship with your higher power
    • you let the creative process invite you to live with joy

The creative response to illness includes:

    • overwhelm: a change in your body invites you into chaotic despair
    • incubation: you spend time numb and seemingly inactive (trust that things are happening beneath the obvious)
    • reconciliation: you explore the changes in your body and make peace with the new normal
    • rededication: you remember what's important to you and find new ways to bring it into your life

Order Dancing with Monsters and discover:

    • how your response to chronic illness it is already a creative one
    • examples of how true life goes on within, around, because and in spite of illness
    • fanciful stories that help you take a sideways look at parts of the process
    • creative experiments to enable you to engage with your own challenges and solutions…to dance with your own monsters and angels

Let the experience of chronic illness invite you to a life of chronic healing

Dancing with Monsters'
Kate Wolfe-Jenson blogs at
JourneyDancing.com and writes a monthly newsletter.

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20 tips for dancing with monsters

20 Tips for Dancing with Monsters – A Practical Companion to the Book


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