Living in the Heart of Miracles
Imagine you can make a new start today.
Pretend you don’t know what this body used to be able to do. Your consciousness has just landed in this organism.
It has some discomforts. Every now and then, a flare of pain arches across it. Perhaps there is a background buzz of discomfort.
But oh, what miracles!
The way that orange blends into the red. The way those clouds shuffle against each other, charcoal fluff against the lighter gray sky.
The nubby sweatshirt cozies against your skin. The splash of warm water against your hands.
The smell of coffee, sharp and earthy and then its taste, bitter and yet caressing your tongue and throat.
There are sounds – the hum of the machine in front of you, the calls of distant creatures – birds and humans.
Speaking of humans, here comes one you live close to and there, again, are miracles. Not only does this creature live in a miraculous world of colors, shapes, textures, tastes and sounds as you do, but this human carries with it an inner world of thoughts, beliefs, hopes and dreams, disappointments and loves as a rich as yours.
What an honor to live in the heart of all these miracles.
How easy it is to notice, instead, your achy, weary body…The dust on the desk lamp…The strange smell in the crisper…The neighbor’s whining dog…Your spouse’s lack of understanding.
All it takes is a turn of the kaleidoscope, a shift into gratitude, a new perspective and there it is: miracle upon miracle upon miracle, cascading over you in grace-filled streams. Stay there, dear heart, and when you lose your way, reach out your hand to a fellow traveler and find your way together to begin again.
The new world is waiting for you.

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