Dancing with Monsters: Chronic Illness as Creative Transformation
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When I'm feeling sick and tired, I am not open to the idea of “counting my blessings.” Hunkered down around my pain or overwhelmed by the chaos of my illness, it's hard to find the energy necessary for positive outlook.

Instead, I can shrink my world down to this moment and find a micro-blessing.

Without getting out of bed, I can notice the texture in the weave my blanket. Be gentle in and out of the blue cotton threads caress my skin softly. Not too hot, not too cold, but Goldilocks perfect.

Without moving much, I can appreciate the way a sip of water flows around my teeth, it down my throat and into my stomach, calming and relaxing.

I only have to shift to my eyes see the shadows against the wall – light and dark. It's lovely. The way they gather in the corner of my room, the way the room shelters me from the cold October wind.

If I close my eyes, I feel the cool eyelid coming down across my aching eye. What a set of miracles that is! The eye itself, letting in light and the nerves and brain working together to understand shape and color. Even with my eyes closed, my brain find shapes and colors to consider.

I move my finger and am, again, filled with awe: skin sliding over muscle wrapping over bone. Nerves and brain trading impulses to create motion.

Yes, there is pain and discomfort, and when you take a minute and pay attention to the details, there is blessing after blessing after blessing.


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20 tips for dancing with monsters

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