News –March 2013:
When Your Body Disappoints…
Our bodies need what they need. They can do what they can do. In some cases, if we go to the edge of our capability and stretch a little…bit…further, we can expand our possibilities. And sometimes we can’t. Especially when we live with chronic illness, we need to be cautious about pushing beyond our limits. Sometimes we can’t do today what we did yesterday. Sometimes we find out today what we shouldn’t have done yesterday. Our bodies disappoint us.
I’ve been playing with the idea of buoyancy. When I was a kid, I loved taking inflatable toys into the water. No matter how many times I pushed them down or even sometimes sat on them, they popped back up and floated serenely. That is what I want for my emotional self as I deal with the pushes and pulls of chronic illness.
If you want that too...READ MORE (PDF)
Kate's blog and latest experiments can be found at www.journeydancing.com.
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